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When Should I Sell?

▶▶ As you will see in this video, real estate marketplaces are generally most active in summer because families with children want to move in before school starts. Start working with a real estate professional as early as possible to make the most of your sale in any season.

How Can I Improve My Homes Value?

▶▶ Buyers generally seek the least expensive home in the best neighborhood they can handle. Like the guy in the video says, you want to present a home that fits in the neighborhood but does not stand out too much.

How Do I Select a Broker?

▶▶ Like the video shows, it is a good idea to compare several. And ask these questions. Get the key facts in writing to help you compare your options.

What Details Can I Ask Brokers In Advance?

▶▶ This video tells you what any real estate professional would tell you. Be comfortable with your choices before signing a listing agreement.

How Do I Set The Price On My House?

▶▶ While this video simplifies things to help you remember – your aim is to get the best price AND terms in your market during the period you are selling.

How Is A Home Marketed?

▶▶ As you will see in the video, every home and market is a unique situation. Good marketing plans are specific to both.

What Is A Counter-Offer?

▶▶ The video puts this in more visual terms, but basically, a seller can respond to a buyer offer with changes – a counter – that improves the terms.

What Does The Closing Process Involve When I Sell?

▶▶ As this video explains, a signed sales contract does not mean your house is sold. There are still financial, contractual and legal steps for both sides.

What Does The Closing Meeting Involve For The Seller?

▶▶ Watch this video to get a quick idea of the sellers side of closing. Also known as settlement and escrow the closing is a meeting where property, money, title and liens are exchanged between all the parties involved.

How Do I Calculate My Price?

▶▶ If you only have a few minutes for a video, here are five points to consider.

For Sale By Owner?

▶▶ Most people do not know enough to sell their own house. If you have not ever sold a home, you probably should not try selling your own.

6 Home-Selling Mistakes

▶▶ If you are selling, do not do these things – take some notes from the video! Remember – it was your home but to the buyer it is as a house.

How Do I Make An Offer?

▶▶ The video covers the main points. Remember that a sale commitment depends on negotiating a satisfactory contract with the seller not just making an offer!

What Other Issues Should I Consider Before I Buy My Home?

▶▶ Watch this video and take a few notes! A minute of watching could save you thousands…

What Does Ability To Repay Mean?

▶▶ What are the Ability to repay rules about? In a nutshell, as this video shows, new laws require lenders to make a good-faith assessment of a borrowers capacity to pay back their loan over time.

How Do I Determine The Initial Offer?

▶▶ As you will see in this video, unless you have a buyers agent remember that the agent works for the seller. Make a point of asking him or her to keep your discussions and information confidential.

Do I Need To Be There For The Inspection?

▶▶ It is not required, but its a good idea. As this story shows, let the inspector do their job while you take notes and pictures.

What Is An Inspection Clause?

▶▶ Remember these pointers from the video – you may want to include an inspection clause in the offer when negotiating for a home.

Do I Need A Lawyer To Buy A Home?

▶▶ As we show you in this video, laws vary by state. Even if your state doesnt require one you may want to hire a lawyer to help with the complex paperwork and legal contracts.

How Can I Find Out About Schools and Community Resources?

▶▶ The video puts the key resources for learning about schools and communities in more visual terms.

What Should I Do If I Am Feeling Excluded From Certain Neighborhoods?

▶▶ Like the video says, immediately contact the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) if you ever feel excluded from a neighborhood or particular house.

How Can I Determine My Housing Needs Before I Begin The Search?

▶▶ Like the video shows, your home should fit the way you live, with spaces and features that appeal to the whole family.

How Do Lenders Decide The Maximum Loan Amount That Buyers Can Afford?

▶▶ This short video lays it out. Lenders consider your debt-to-income ratio, which is a comparison of your gross (pre-tax) income to housing and non-housing expenses.

How Do I Know If I Am Ready To Buy A Home?

▶▶ As you will see in this video, you can find out by asking yourself some questions. If you can answer yes to most of them, you are probably ready to buy your own home.

How Does Purchasing A Home Compare With Renting?

▶▶ Like the guy in the video says, the two do not really compare at all. It is worth taking a minute to consider the options.

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